Sunday 14 January 2018

Formal Sunday Outing

Today was a very fun day first I went dress shopping to get a new gown because I had an event to go to.

 I went to see Mr Phil Setner singing live at WOW= Windows of the World a Venue honoring all those affected by 9:11

There were lots of people there all dressed up in fancy clothes.

Mr Phil Setner - or as I call Him Mr Philly Cheese Steaks is an amazing singer 
He sings everything from Elvis to Jungle book.

Mrs Weeeeeeeesha his wife is the best 
I am her shadow I stand behind her and make jokes to make her smile and laugh it is my favorite part ... she is beautifuls one day when I get old I wana be that pretty.

That is what I did today!!

Honey Marshmallow - Dat is All